Sala Havana
Apr 22, 2024 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240422T1430 20240422T1630 America/Sao_Paulo Session 2C - International case studies Sala Havana FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Internationalization at home for the generation of a peace culture at Universidad Simón Bolívar
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 02:30 PM - 02:50 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 17:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 17:50:00 UTC
Tania Lafont 
Internationalization of research coordinator
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Barranquilla, Colombia

Internationalization at home for the generation of a peace culture at Universidad Simón Bolívar
The internationalization of higher education contributes to the comprehensive training of students and teachers, promoting the embedding of values such as peace, mutual understanding, and interculturality. This statement aligns with Universidad Simón Bolívar's mission which seeks to train intercultural citizens; it is a private higher education institution in the Colombian Caribbean. This research corresponded to a case study and sought to analyze the internationalization at home strategies adopted by the Universidad Simón Bolívar and its impact on the culture of peace from internationalization staff's perceptions. To accomplish this objective, interviews with ten internationalization staff were conducted. The participants highlighted internationalization at home strategies adopted by Unisimón such as the international year a space in which all the community explores and studies the culture and history of a country through the development of activities, the organization of congress and international conferences, and the development of COILs with other Universities faculty as the ones that most contribute to a peace culture. Besides, the results displayed that the interaction of professors and students with international peers promotes mutual understanding and empathy. In addition, the learning of other cultures motivates the appreciation of one's own culture. Among the recommendations that stood out the participants stated that it is necessary to include more internationalization at-home activities within the curricula especially those that involve simulation and the design of solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. The next phase of this study will be to interview students from the different schools of Unisimón to compare their perspectives on the impact of internationalization on the peace culture.

Keywords: peace, internationalization at home, staff perceptions.


Bridging Boarders: UFSC's Approach to Internationalization, Translation Policy, and Institutional Translation
Oral PresentationLanguage Policy 02:50 PM - 03:10 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 17:50:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 18:10:00 UTC
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) stands as a beacon of academic excellence in Brazil, renowned for its commitment to internationalization and fostering cross-cultural exchange. Within this context, the university's journey in navigating linguistic frontiers through the development and implementation of robust translation policies and institutional translation practices offers valuable insights for higher education institutions globally. This study delves into UFSC's pioneering initiatives in internationalization, examining the pivotal role of translation policy in facilitating seamless communication across linguistic boundaries. By elucidating the institutional framework underpinning UFSC's translation policy, including the establishment of guidelines, allocation of resources, and integration of technology, the presentation will showcase UFSC's holistic approach to linguistic diversity. Furthermore, this paper will spotlight UFSC's institutional translation unit, which is part of UFSC's Institutional Centre for Languages and Translation (NILT) , highlighting its pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy, coherence, and cultural sensitivity of multilingual content. Through case studies and practical examples, attendees will gain an understanding of UFSC's translation workflows, quality assurance mechanisms, and collaboration strategies, underscoring the importance of a dedicated translation infrastructure in supporting internationalization efforts. By drawing on UFSC's experiences, challenges, and successes, this presentation aims to provide attendees with actionable insights into the intersection of internationalization, translation policy, and institutional translation within higher education contexts. Through a nuanced exploration of UFSC's journey, participants will be equipped with strategies for fostering inclusivity, enhancing communication, and embracing linguistic diversity in their own institutional settings.
Keywords: UFSC, internationalization, translation policy, institutional translation, cross-cultural communication.
Presenters Lincoln Fernandes
Coordinator Of The Postgraduate Programme In English, Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina
Cooperação Acadêmica Panamazônica: algumas experiências, reflexões e desafios
Oral PresentationCooperation in Latin America 03:10 PM - 03:30 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 18:10:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 18:30:00 UTC
"Sem nós, os povos da floresta, não tem rio, não tem animais, não tem nada. Se vocês querem normalizar a temperatura do planeta, têm que cuidar de nós. Porque sem nós, não tem futura geração" (Brum, Eliante. Banzeiro Okotó – uma Viagem a Amazônia Centro do Mundo. São Paulo: Cia das Letras, 2021, p. 57). 

A Amazônia está no olho do mundo. A crise climática eminente, os interesses de exploração econômica, e a necessidade urgente de preservação ambiental colocam a região no centro dos olhares mundiais. Nesse cenário, o Brasil se prepara para receber a Conference of the Parties - COP 30 em 2025 em Belém do Pará para discutir um futuro viável e sustentável para o maior bioma florestal do planeta. 
Nesse sentido, a universidade exerce um importante papel em pensar estratégias e desenvolver conhecimento para buscar as melhores soluções para os desafios da Amazônia. A região, que costumeiramente é vista pelos seus povos originários e tradicionais para além dos seus estados, precisa ser entendida no seu todo, através das variações do bioma e das culturas. Nesse sentido, a cooperação internacional panamazônica se apresenta como o caminho a ser construído dentro do trabalho conjunto das universidades da região para pensar os problemas amazônicos a partir de suas localidades.  
            Neste trabalho, apresentaremos algumas iniciativas promovidas pelas universidades estaduais do Tocantins e do Pará para a cooperação acadêmica internacional no âmbito panamazônico, tais como: o evento da Faubai Norte 2023, o Projeto Global Teams, e o I Fórum de Integração das Universidades Estaduais da Amazônia para a COP 30. O objetivo dessa apresentação é discutir a importância da cooperação acadêmica internacional panamazônica, avaliar as iniciativas presentes e projetar avanços para o futuro. 
João Colares Da Mota Neto
International Relations Coordinator, Universidade Do Estado Do Pará
Patricia De Aquino
Director Of International Affairs, State University Of Tocantins
Supporting new collaborations between partner universities: the Tübingen Research Takeoff program
Oral PresentationInternationalization of Research 03:30 PM - 03:50 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 18:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 18:50:00 UTC
Fostering collaborative international researchwith strategic partners and creating an international networkare among the principles of internationalization at the University of Tübingen.There is a long history of collaboration between Tübingen with Latin American universities, but it is vital to create new connections. Thus, to provide opportunities for researchers to discover new potential collaborators, the Tübingen Research Takeoff (TRT) program was created by the Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America.

Launched in 2022, this program set out to invigorate and broaden the spectrum of scientific collaborations between the University of Tübingen and its Latin American counterparts by sponsoring innovative research projects. Matchmaking sessions were organized tofacilitate the dialogue between Tübingen and Latin American researchers, and offer guidance to identifypromising alternatives for collaboration.

The first call for proposals concluded in 2023, resulted in the selection of six projects that were made of new partnerships between Tübingen and institutions in Brazil and Chile. These collaborations received seed funding to support a range of project-related activities, including financing of research materials, organization of workshops, and facilitation of exchange visits for PhD students, postdocs, and professors.

Currently, with its second year, the TRT program continues to provide financial support to sustain the momentum of the initially selected projects, ensuring their viability and assisting the formation of concrete, enduring research partnerships.Subsequent calls of the TRT have since been launched, targeting partners in Peru and Colombia, with the aim of cultivating additional collaborative endeavors, and expanding the Latin-American network.

This pioneering program has provided researchers with the means to identify one another and initiate on collaborative research.The inaugural edition already provided notable success in catalyzing a range of activities across participating universities, setting the stage for long-lasting partnerships. The continuation and expansion of the TRT program is a testament to its success and can serve as an example for impulses to bridge international institutions with Latin-America.

Presenters Júlia Galvez Bulhões Pedreira
Scientific Coordinator - Brazil, Tübingen University
Estratégias de Internacionalização a partir de consórcios regionais: O Caso do Núcleo de Internacionalização do Estado de Pernambuco - NINTER-PE
Oral PresentationNetworks and International Associations 04:10 PM - 04:30 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 19:10:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 19:30:00 UTC
As particularidades da internacionalização universitária no Brasil transcendem o debate das questões teórico-metodológicas, desaguando em cenários e contextos próprios dos arranjos geográficos e econômicos da realidade brasileira. Não obstante, a trajetória histórico-colonial, o modelo educativo e a influência de agentes estrangeiros em determinados estados e regiões sempre exerceram um papel estruturante em articulações internacionais com fortes reflexos nas faculdades e universidades em formação. Nesse sentido, o percurso de internacionalização das universidades do nordeste brasileiro sempre foi marcado pela confluência de agenciamentos externos - presença de organismos consulares, empresas estrangeiras, pesquisadores de outros países e rotas aeroportuárias. A internacionalização do estado de Pernambuco e de suas instituições de ensino superior, ao seguir a mesma herança fundante, atravessa os mesmos desafios com vistas a consolidar a quarta missão do fazer universitário. É justamente no sentido de repensar e ressignificar a história e uma política de internacionalização do estado que surge o Núcleo de Internacionalização em Pernambuco - um consórcio regional que reúne todas as instituições universitárias públicas e privadas (comunitárias-confessionais) em regime associativo compartilhando missão, valores, objetivos e estratégias. Finalmente, o objetivo desta apresentação é descrever o processo de formação e atuação do NINTER-PE, compreendendo a importância dos consórcios regionais e locais como estratégias de internacionalização. 
Madson Gois Diniz
Diretor De Relações Internacionais, UFPE
Universidade Federal De São Paulo
Scientific Coordinator - Brazil
Tübingen University
International Relations Coordinator
Universidade Do Estado Do Pará
Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in English
Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina
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 Luciane Stallivieri
Professor and Researcher
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Prof. Lucas Bonfim Rocha
Professor do Magistério Superior
Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná
Mr. Paulo Schmidt
Advisor for International Cooperation
Secretaria De Ciência, Tecnologia E Ensino Superior Do Parana
Vitória de Santo Antão - PE
Instituto Federal De Pernambuco
Mrs. Viviane Campanhola Bortoluzzi
Assessora de Assuntos Internacionais
Instituto Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Ms. Luciane Sturm
International Relations Coordinator
Universidade De Passo Fundo
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