Sala Verde
Apr 24, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240424T1000 20240424T1130 America/Sao_Paulo Session 5E - Good Practices Sala Verde FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Summer Institute PUCPR: projeto inovador em processo híbrido!
International Projects 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 13:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 13:20:00 UTC
O sucesso em projetos se fundamenta em três pilares básicos: pessoas, processos e ferramentas. Quando pensamos em pessoas, investimos em motivação, produtividade e desenvolvimento da equipe. Que desafios surgem quando as equipes são multinacionais e multidisciplinares? Quando olhamos para o processo e ferramentas, diante das metodologias ágeis, quais podemos utilizar para garantir  a iniciação, o planejamento, a execução e o encerramento? Conheça o gerenciamento do Programa PUCPR Summer Institute, que traz uma proposta que combina elementos de metodologias tradicionais e novas em uma dinâmica humanizada, que orienta para o protagonismo, corresponsabilidade e autonomia dos envolvidos. 
Presenters Lídia Kovalski
Coordinator For International Mobility, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná
Co-Authors Adriana Nitsche Mattei
Coordenadora De Educação Internacional, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná - PUCPR
FLEE-ASSET Fighting Labour Exploitation through Education – Agricultural Sector Specialist Training
Inclusion, Equity and Diversity 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 13:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 13:40:00 UTC
The FLEE ASSET Project (Fighting Labour Exploitation through Education – Agricultural Sector Specialist Training) aims to adopt different actions to raise awareness and provide training, both academically and with other sectors of society (State, corporate and third sectors), as well as combating slave labor currently present in the agricultural sector and in rural areas, in general.
The project is constituted of a consortium of European and Latin American Universities (including Brazilian ones), under the coordination of the University of Barcelona.
Providing statistical support and based on the verified reality, despite the invisibility that marks the exploitation of human work in the agricultural sector and in the countryside as highlighted by the project's premises, important information related to the severity of the context under analysis is currently available. In this sense: according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it is estimated that 40.3 million people are victims of exploitation in the agricultural sectors, with large portions of the aforementioned victims coming from other regions of the globe, a relevant transnational component that facilitates human trafficking, since there's little or no control over migratory movement around the world.
In most countries, the agricultural sector represents a relevant portion of the economy and has an important transnational component. Latin America is a region that hosts some of the most important producers and exporters of food to other continents, reaching, for example, 18% of exports of agricultural products to the European Union, which totalizes around 26% of all its imports of food/agricultural production.
This context also represents the annual value of 34.152 million €, with Brazil being the largest exporter to the European Union and Argentina the sixth largest, according to the European Commission, Agri-Food Trade Statistical Factsheet 2020. 
Although agricultural workforce has diminished by 7 points in the last 30 years, it still represents 14% of the whole workforce in LA, according to the International Labor Organization and the World Bank Statistical Data.
In this sense, factors such as the transnational aspects specific to the agribusiness sector; human trafficking and the exploitation of precarious human work or under conditions analogous to slavery; the invisibility of victims; the migratory components that involve the context transcribed above and the absence of normative, political, preventive and protective standards for victimized workers (men, women, children, immigrants, etc.) constitute conditions considered by the FLEE ASSET Project, which therefore presents the following primary objectives:
Promote changes in the structure and organization of universities to be better equipped to become catalysts of economic and social development in the EU and non-associated third countries;Strengthen the compromise and capacities of higher education institutions to address challenges like promotion of human rights and protection of workers in an innovative way;Identify the kind of knowledge and skills necessary to create a common standpoint curriculum across participating countries for potential students and participants to obtain and credit basic knowledge and training.

The guidelines above are based on the Executive Summary & Main Features of the FLEE ASSET Project, managed by the University of Barcelona.
Professor , Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Milena Libralon Kosaki Ponchio
DOUTORANDA, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Fernando Rister De Souza Lima
Coordenador Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Stricto-Sensu Da Fac. De Direito, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Jorge Cavalcanti Boucinhas Filho
Professor , Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Global Leadership: Expanding International Education Access in Latin America
Oral PresentationInclusion, Equity and Diversity 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 13:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 14:10:00 UTC
This presentation will use the case study of an online course developed by YDUQS (Universidade Estácio de Sá and Wyden) and Campus B to reflect on ways to dismantle barriers to international education in Brazil and Latin America. Positioned within the thematic focus of "Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity," this initiative offers a scalable solution to expanding access to transformative and professionally relevant international education to a broader array of students. 

This presentation will begin by highlighting a series of factors that currently hinder access to both higher education and international education throughout Latin America, but particularly in the context of Brazil. Taking this as a key imperative of change, the educational group YDUQS partnered with the international education provider Campus B to develop an online course focused on global leadership available to students of all disciplines throughout the Universidade Estácio de Sá and Wyden university network. Offered in two iterations to over 400 students throughout 2023, the course (titled Liderazgo Global) consisted of a series of five synchronous sessions with Latin American experts and academics discussing a series of key skills that are needed to be leaders in today's world. The course was conducted entirely in Spanish, as it welcomed students from all over Latin America as well as the Brazilian students. In addition to the academic content, students were divided into multinational groups and challenged with a practical project focused on the central theme of global leadership. 

This presentation will then focus on the key strengths of this model, particularly as it relates to diminishing barriers to international education. Firstly, the panelists will highlight the scale of this type of initiative. Being an entirely virtual initiative, it represents a low-cost and replicable model. However, this does not reduce the impact or quality of the course, as evidenced by the student feedback (both qualitative and quantitative) that was tracked throughout the experience. In addition, panelists will reflect on the multidisciplinary nature of the course. By focusing the content on competencies as opposed to a specific academic area, it allows for a broader contingent of students to participate. Furthermore, it provides a unique opportunity for career development for these participants, with a focus on both soft and hard skills. 

Finally, to conclude the presentation, panelists will reflect on new considerations for future programming. First, they will discuss key areas for improvement to be able to scale the program further, including technological factors that can facilitate the delivery of this type of content. Second, they will discuss ways to make the program more inclusive in future editions. One question of particular interest will be how to build international experiences–that allow for interaction among students from different countries and cultures–without linguistic differences representing barriers to participation or interaction. In making these reflections, panelists hope to create room for broader discussion regarding the dynamic and evolving field of virtual exchange.

Larissa Pochmann Da Silva
Head Of International Office, UNESA
Co-Authors Daniel Amgarten
CEO, Campus B
Rachel Chang
Professor, Campus B
Escuela de Alfabetización e Interculturalidad para el Cuidado Materno Perinatal desde la experiencia de comunidades nativas (ALICUMAPE)”.
Oral PresentationInterculturality 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 14:10:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 14:30:00 UTC
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura UNESCO declara en el año 2023 a la   'Partería: conocimientos, habilidades y prácticas' como patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad, reconociendo que las personas que ejercen esta profesión recorren un camino largo y difícil para ser visibles y articular su práctica con la medicina biomédica. En otras palabras, las parteras tradicionales quebrantan las fronteras y límites para mostrar que desde el rol que se asuma no es una competencia de saberes, es una práctica que busca contribuir a cambios significativos en las formas de nacer, de tomar en cuenta la voz de las mujeres, sus deseos y sus historias donde, la apuesta es preservar prácticas ancestrales y no discutir con la medicina biomédica, a saber que existe ganancia en la suma de saberes que permite integrar nuevos modelos de atención al embarazo y el parto mediante un trato digno. . . y humanizado.En Colombia los modelos de atención en salud han sido predominantemente "medicalizados" y jerárquicos. La participación de las personas sigue estando influenciada por las decisiones de los profesionales de la salud y las imposiciones de los sistemas sanitarios, creando así una brecha entre la gestión de la salud de las comunidades y sus valores, prácticas sociales, espirituales y culturales. En el contexto específico del embarazo, existe una sobrevaloración del conocimiento que surge de la academia, ya que se considera que solo este es producto de la "ciencia" y del pensamiento racional. Por el contrario, la tradición oral y la experiencia proveniente del cuidado de las mujeres es considerada por muchos como una práctica esotérica y sin rigor científico.
Desde esta perspectiva, es evidente la necesidad de desarrollar iniciativas apoyadas por las organizaciones educativas, sociales, gubernamentales e incluso gremiales que faciliten la integración, reconocimiento y validación de los conocimientos ancestrales y experiencias de las mujeres y las
comunidades que habitan en el territorio nacional, especialmente en lo relacionado con la partería y el cuidado de la gestación, para así facilitar la integración de estos saberes a la academia y los sistemas sanitarios.
Con esta motivación el consorcio Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, UNIMINUTO, REDIPAR Chocó y Universidad Ana G. Méndez de Puerto Rico Estados Unidos, patrocinados por la iniciativa 100.000 Strong in the Americas, Colciencias y el Banco para el Desarrollo de América Latina se unieron para crear la escuela de alfabetización e interculturalidad para la atención materno-perinatal desde la experiencia de las comunidades nativas (ALICUMAPE). Esta alianza tiene como objetivo central visibilizar la importancia de los saberes ancestrales de las parteras afrodescendientes, indígenas y campesinas en el cuidado de las mujeres durante la gestación y el parto.

PALABRAS CLAVE:Partería, Atención materno-perinatal, Cuidado Cultural, Diálogo de Saberes y Salud de la mujer.
PROFESOR, Universidad Simón Bolivar Barranquilla Colombia
Co-Authors Adriana Tabares Salazar
Coordinador , Corporación Universitaria Minuto De Dios
Claudia Patricia Motta Leon
Docente Investigadora, Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas
Universidad Simón Bolivar Barranquilla Colombia
Head of International Office
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Coordenadora de Educação Internacional
Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná - PUCPR
International Affairs Officer
Universidade Federal De Uberlândia
Mr. Aloysio Gomes De Souza Filho
Diretor de Relações Empresariais e Comunitárias
Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná
 Yuri Leite
Senior International Officer
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
International Relations Advisor
Instituto Federal De Educação, Ciência E Tecnologia Do Ceará
Prof. Lucas Bonfim Rocha
Professor do Magistério Superior
Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná
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