Sala Coral
Apr 24, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240424T1000 20240424T1130 America/Sao_Paulo Session 5C - Good Practices Sala Coral FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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The Potential of Online Education to Improve Access to and Quality of Higher Education in Mexico
Oral PresentationInclusion, Equity and Diversity 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 13:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 13:40:00 UTC
This study used a mixed methods approach to investigate growth in online learning in Mexico and academic and student perspectives on its quality and accessibility.  Semi-structured interviews were conducted virtually or in person with 32 leaders, academic staff, and students at the campuses of six universities involved with online learning in Mexico. 
Using a mixture of contemporary statistics and semi-structured interviews, it details the size and growth of online higher education in Mexico and investigates how online learning is perceived as a means to enhance quality and access in higher education.
Findings add to ongoing debates surrounding the effectiveness and implementation of online education, a topic that has garnered increased attention from both policymakers and educationalists aiming to enhance accessibility and quality within the higher education sector. In 2022-23, the Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) reports more than 5 million tertiary students in Mexico, of which 21% are distance learners of some kind. Enrollments in distance learning have grown steadily since the SEP began gathering data in 2013-14, and distance learning has increased 130% compared to growth of only 17% in face-to-face learning.
Despite its growing prevalence and potential in reaching marginalized populations, the perception and adoption of online learning modalities appear fragmented and inconsistent across various academic circles.
The paper aims to shed light on the varied opinions and experiences related to online higher education using insights from university leaders, faculty, and students, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through this analysis, the research endeavors to contribute to the broader discourse on educational innovation and reform, particularly in the context of expanding access of quality education to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
This presentation is geared toward academics, higher education leaders, and practitioners working with online education and/or DEI initiatives. Participants will come away with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of online education, including increased accessibility, flexibility, and scalability, using Mexico as a case study. They will also gain a realistic understanding of the challenges associated with online education and how to mitigate them. Participants will hear real-world examples and case studies of online education implementations, offering practical insights and inspiration. The presentation will encourage networking and collaboration among academics and practitioners interested in advancing online education initiatives.
Presenters Rachael Merola
Visiting Research Professor, Centro De Investigación Y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
Translational Science as a nonmandatory course to enhance health science expertise with an international perspective of undergraduate students from Unesp, USP and Unicamp in collaboration with the University of Oxford
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 10:40 AM - 11:00 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 13:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 14:00:00 UTC
Despite recent growth, undergraduate level in health sciences lacks end-to-end thinking and global perspective at Brazilian Universities, including São Paulo State University (Unesp). Although the presence of a language barrier is recognized, the accessibility of disciplines with a global perspective within undergraduate programs at Unesp remains constrained. Multidisciplinary disciplines stand to provide significant benefits in a context of internationalization that encourages knowledge exchange among students from diverse institutions and countries. Translational science represents the scientific discipline focused on converting research findings into products or procedures that yield benefits for human welfare. This concept is known as "from bench to bedside," always having the end in mind, which is not research by itself but tangible outputs. Emphasizing the societal significance of this field is essential, given that translational science aims to practically apply scientific knowledge in resolving real-world issues, thereby enhancing the health and well-being of individuals. It aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), particularly SDG 3(Good Health and Well-being), by contributing to the advancement of medical treatments and prevention of diseases; SDG 9(Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), by encompassing research and innovation, but always in context of the value chain of discovery, preclinical research, process development, immunological laboratory science, clinical development and regulatory affairs, leading to the manufacturing of and access to value adding interventions; SDG 17(Partnerships for the Goals) by involving collaborations across sectors and institutions, fostering especially North-South exchanges and partnerships; SDG 2(Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture), by playing a key role in the sustainable production of healthy foods especially in the context of climate change impact on food supply. Therefore, this project focuses on establishing an a nonmandatory discipline in Translational Science for undergraduate students at São Paulo State University (Unesp), in partnership with the University of São Paulo(USP), State University of Campinas(Unicamp) and the University of Oxford. The process to create this discipline was initiated in August 2023 with representatives from all four Universities. After the academic curriculum was agreed upon, each university submitted it to their respective governing bodies. At Unesp, the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science(Campus of Botucatu), in collaboration with researchers from the Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous Animals at Unesp(CEVAP), will be the first Unesp Unit that will offer this academic discipline. Up to 10 slots will be allocated to each São Paulo State University, totaling 30 slots. It is one common discipline offering a unique curriculum, with professors from all universities. The methodology is a combination of synchronous and asynchronous online teaching and guided assignments, supplemented by in-person visits to each of the State Universities. Efforts are underway to secure funding to promote an in-person short internship at the manufacturing, laboratories, and clinical facilities at the University of Oxford. This new integrated teaching model could serve as a scaffold for the development of future nonmandatory disciplines in different undergraduate areas, always based on the active search for knowledge and impactful learnings using a solid and established research platform.
Presenters MSc Cristina Kampus Mantovani
Responsible For The Regional Office Of Research And Internationalization, Centro De Estudos De Venenos E Animais Peçonhentos-CEVAP/Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP
Ana Silvia S. B. S. Ferreira
Academic Support Assistant, Faculdade De Medicina De Botucatu/Universidade Estadual Paulista
Laura De Oliveira Nascimento
Associate Professor, Faculdade De Ciências Farmacêuticas/Universidade Estadual De Campinas
Merari F.R. Ferrari
Associate Professor, Instituto De Biociências/Universidade De São Paulo
Carolina Sellani
Educational And Public Health Affairs, SAIL For Health
Rosley Anholon
Associate Professor, Faculdade De Engenharia Mecânica/Universidade Estadual De Campinas
Celso Pereira Caricati
Researcher , Centro De Estudos De Venenos E Animais Peçonhentos Da Universidade Estadual Paulista
Sue Ann Costa Clemens
Full Professor, Department Of Paediatrics/University Of Oxford
Benedito Barraviera
Full Professor, Centro De Estudos De Venenos E Animais Peçonhentos/Universidade Estadual Paulista
Rui Seabra Ferreira Jr.
Researcher, Centro De Estudos De Venenos E Animais Peçonhentos/Universidade Estadual Paulista
José Paes Oliveira-Filho
Associate Professor, Faculdade De Medicina Veterinária E Zootecnia/Universidade Estadual Paulista
Daniel Fabio Kawano
Professor , Faculdade De Ciências Farmacêuticas/ Universidade Estadual De Campinas
Katlin Brauer Massirer
Researcher, Center For Molecular Biology And Genetic Engineering (CBMEG)/Universidade Estadual De Campinas (UNICAMP)
Gabriel Forato Anhê
Associate Professor, Faculdade De Ciências Médicas/Universidade Estadual De Campinas
Explorando as Possibilidades E Desafios da Internacionalização da Faculdade De Medicina de Olinda: Navegando a Dualidade de Práticas Locais e Globais
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 11:00 AM - 11:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/24 14:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 14:20:00 UTC
No dinâmico campo da educação médica, a perspectiva de internacionalização traz consigo uma miríade de possibilidades e desafios, especialmente ao considerar o contexto único do Brasil. Nesse contexto, este trabalho foca na implementação da internacionalização da Faculdade de Medicina de Olinda (FMO), no Nordeste do Brasil, destacando as complexidades envolvidas em equilibrar os desafios específicos da educação médica no país com práticas globais mais amplas. Os desafios do ensino da medicina no Brasil, abrangendo questões como acesso à saúde, condições socioeconômicas diversas e disparidades regionais na saúde, representam obstáculos para instituições que aspiram globalizar seus currículos médicos. Portanto, no cenário internacional, a identificação das melhores práticas torna-se imperativa. Para atender a essa necessidade, esse trabalho explora o modelo de parceria entre a FMO e a plataforma de ensino de idiomas online Altissia. Nessa conjuntura, destaca-se o papel fundamental do aporte linguístico enquanto base para a construção da internacionalização da faculdade. Esse contexto é aprofundado na busca por uma compreensão abrangente da colaboração em curso entre Altissia e FMO, elucidando os resultados tangíveis derivados dessa parceria estratégica. Com cursos alinhados ao Quadro Comum Europeu de Referência para Línguas, a Altissia destaca-se por sua capacidade única na gestão de projetos linguísticos ambiciosos para instituições de ensino superior, desenvolvendo todas as competências linguísticas por meio da combinação de diferentes dispositivos de treinamento à distância.A investigação deste trabalho aprofunda-se em métricas-chave, incluindo análises estatísticas de avaliações linguísticas, tendências de utilização da plataforma e o impacto das campanhas de marketing implementadas. Além disso, o projeto traz minuciosamente uma análise da dinâmica em torno do lançamento das iniciativas de internacionalização, desvendando as implicações multifacetadas tanto nas avaliações linguísticas quanto no engajamento com a plataforma. Por meio de uma análise aprofundada desses elementos, aspiramos a contribuir para uma compreensão detalhada dos esforços colaborativos entre Altissia e FMO no domínio da educação linguística e internacionalização do ensino de medicina. Em síntese, a parceria entre a Faculdade de Medicina de Olinda e a Altissia, que nasceu na edição de 2023 da FAUBAI, surge como um elo essencial na busca pela internacionalização do ensino médico, superando barreiras linguísticas e promovendo uma abordagem inclusiva. Ao adentrar nos desafios específicos da educação médica no Brasil, este projeto não apenas identifica estratégias para contorná-los, mas também destaca a relevância em externalizar o conhecimento médico brasileiro à nível global. Dessa forma, este trabalho visa evidenciar a parceria entre a Altissia e a FMO como um modelo inspirador, indicando que a integração de recursos digitais e práticas educacionais globais pode ser fundamental para aprimorar a formação médica em contextos diversos capacitando profissionais de saúde para os desafios do cenário internacional.
André Norio Hiratsuka
Chief Operating Officer - Americas, Altissia
Eduarda Marsili Chico
Business Development Manager, Altissia Brasil
Paulo Sávio A. Goes
Associate Professor, Faculdade De Medicina De Olinda
Regional Manager
Times Higher Education
Visiting Research Professor
Centro De Investigación Y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
Responsible for the Regional Office of Research and Internationalization
Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peçonhentos-CEVAP/Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP
Associate professor
Faculdade de Medicina de Olinda
Mrs. Eneida Soanne  Oliveira
International advisor
Universidade Estadual De Feira De Santana
Mrs. Raquel Campos
International Academic Consultant
Universidade Evangélica De Goiás
Mr. Anderson Galvão
International Affairs Advisor
Instituto Federal De Brasília
Ms. Ana Sáles
Head of International Office
Instituto De Ciências Matemáticas E De Computação/Universidade De São Paulo
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