Sala Marron
Apr 23, 2024 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240423T1430 20240423T1630 America/Sao_Paulo Session 4B - Regional Cooperation Sala Marron FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Educational Sector of MERCOSUR: Opportunities for Internationalization of Higher Education and Regional Integration
Oral PresentationStrategic Cooperation 02:30 PM - 02:50 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 17:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 17:50:00 UTC
The Educational Sector of MERCOSUR has served as a coordination hub for educational policies within the Member and Associate States of MERCOSUR since December 1991, following the establishment of the Meeting of Ministers of Education of MERCOSUR (RME) by the Common Market Council (CMC) through Decision No. 07/91. Its mission is to establish a shared educational space by coordinating education and integration policies within MERCOSUR, fostering mobility and formating a regional identity and citizenship. Through the negotiation of public policies and the development and execution of joint programs and projects, the Educational Sector of MERCOSUR seeks the integration and development of education throughout the MERCOSUR region and associated countries.
In this context, the Higher Education Area Commission plays a significant role. This work will present an overview of the Commission's activities, focusing on mobility, diploma recognition, and research initiatives. The aim is to analyze how these experiences have contributed to regional integration, focusing on Brazil's most recent involvement.
Jaqueline Schultz
General Coordinator Of Innternational Affairs For Higher Education , Ministry Of Education
Oral PresentationCooperation in Latin America 02:50 PM - 03:10 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 17:50:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 18:10:00 UTC
The objective of this work is to analyze the meaning and scope of the concept of internationalization at the Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Córdoba in 2018 (CRES2018), Regional Conference on Higher Education+5 to be held in Brasilia, in March 2024 and at the World Higher Education Conference (WCHE2022), held in Barcelona in 2022. As a methodological approach, we adopted bibliographical and documentary research on the CRES2018 declaration, CRES+5 declaration and in the absence of a final declaration at WCHE2022, we chose to analyze the document: "Beyond Limits: New Ways to Reinvent Higher Education - Roadmap proposed for WCHE2022." Among the main research findings, it draws attention that CRES reaffirms the vision of higher education as a public good, a right of all, and a responsibility of the State, as well as a humanist and supportive internationalization that should contribute to a better understanding between cultures and nations. In the case of the document analyzed within the WCHE framework, the principle of higher education as a public good and everyone's right is also reaffirmed. However, there is a need to reinvent higher education so that the UN sustainable development objectives, in the context of the 2030 World Agenda, can be achieved. Regarding internationalization, the emphasis is on the concept of international cooperation through networks that allow the creation of a global ecosystem based on the sustainable development objectives (UN, 2015). Although both conferences represent the thinking of the same international organization, CRES2018, CRES+5 and WCHE2022 reflect the historical time and territory they cover, supporting their propositions. 
Keywords: Internationalization, Regional Conference on Higher Education, Solidary-based Integration, World Higher Education Conference
Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y el Caribe (2018). III Conferencia Regional de Educación Superior para América Latina y el Caribe. Declaração. Córdoba, Argentina, 14 de junho de 2018.
KNIGHT, J. (2004). Internationalization remodeled: Definitions, rationales and approaches. Journal of Studies in International Education, v. 8, n. 1, p. 5-31.
MORAES GIORDANI, S. e RUBIN OLIVEIRA, M. (2019). Educação superior: uma análise a partir das conferências mundiais e regionais. Integración y Conocimiento, 8(2), p. 125–142.
Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (1998). Declaração Mundial sobre Educação Superior no Século XXI: Visão e Ação. Paris.
Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (2015). 70 anos da UNESCO. De ideias a ações. São Paulo: Editora Brasileira.
Organização das Nações Unidas (2015). Department of Economics and Social Affairs: Sustainable Development. The 17 Goals. Recuperado de:
Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (2022). Más allá de los limites. Nuevas Formas de Reinventar la Educación Superior. Paris: UNESCO. s/6be1788a20aecc20c5468118ef386ed5f0271e46d0298d778d4c1ca2b235400e7d52e1 59117000427c73517b38607ed00208.62833bc1b5d6a.pdf.
Diego Palmeira Rodrigues
Técnico Em Assuntos Educacionais, Universidade Federal Da Fronteria Sul
Lourdes Zilberberg
Director Of International Office, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado
Marília Costa Morosini
Professor, Reseracher, Pontificia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Oral PresentationNetworks and International Associations 03:30 PM - 03:50 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 18:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 18:50:00 UTC
The European Universities initiative was outlined in 2017 as the vision of the future for education and culture in Europe with the following purpose:
"European Universities are transnational alliances that will lead the way towards the universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and revolutionizing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education."
After the 2023 Erasmus+ call for proposals, we now have 50 European Universities involving more than 430 higher education institutions.
RUN-EU is one of these European universities with one main objective – to support the development of the regions covered by its universities. The mission of RUN-EU is to strive to secure the sustainable economic, social, cultural, and environmental progress of its regions and stakeholders. RUN-EU delivers this mission by identifying the future and advanced skills required by regional stakeholders to successfully meet the challenges of the future, engage in societal transformation, and promote active citizenship, thereby creating a new type of multinational interregional alliance, the European Zone for Interregional Development.
RUN-EU involves the following partner institutions: Polytechnic University of Leiria, Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, TUS Technological University of the Shannon (Ireland), Széchenyi István University (SZE) (Hungary), Häme University of Applied Sciences HAMK (Finland), NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), and FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (Austria).
RUN-EU aims to carry out training programs that promote future and advanced skills for social transformation in the regions of the European Union. The partner Higher Education Institutions have been jointly developing a diverse range of teaching and learning actions, offering students different international short-term programs and e-learning, and international cooperation projects in the field of research and development are also being implemented. 
In the case of IPCA, our home institution, we have been responsible for coordinating the design of the Short Advanced Programs SAPs; SAPs are short and small individual learning units based on transnational curricula focusing on future advanced skills needs, enabling the promotion of flexible learning pathways, short-term international mobility, innovative pedagogies and blended learning. SAPs are means to increase the effectiveness and flexibility of Higher Education (HE) and to provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities to the labour force.
The current experience has exceeded initial expectations and has promoted extraordinary results in terms of learning, inclusion, diversity, multiculturalism and multilingualism.
So far, within the alliance, we promoted a significant number of SAPs in different cutting-edge topics, transversal skills, and challenge programs, among other current relevant trends.
At this conference, we intend to present the state of the art of the SAPS and the future developments for them in RUN-EU.
Presenters Paula Tavares
Vice-president, Polytechnic University Of Cávado And Ave
Potencializando experiências internacionais: Exchange + Internship + Social Projects
Oral PresentationMobility of student/professor/ researcher, staff 03:50 PM - 04:10 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 18:50:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 19:10:00 UTC
Intercâmbios são componentes relevantes na formação para o desenvolvimento de competências e da cidadania global. Potencializar a experiência internacional com estágios e a participação em projetos sociais tem sido um aprendizado exitoso que encontra boa receptividade em comunidades acadêmicas de diferentes partes do mundo. Os projetos sociais e os estágios propiciam aos acadêmicos internacionais experiências que aliam a teoria aprendida em sala de aula à prática extensionista, contribuindo para a formação acadêmica e para o desenvolvimento da sociedade. Os projetos sociais, ofertados aos estudantes internacionais na Universidade Feevale, são divididos em grandes áreas: COMUNICAÇÃO: Propõe a interação comunicacional entre os diversos agentes sociais, contribuindo com o desenvolvimento sociocultural da região, implementando ações de construção e socialização do conhecimento. DIREITOS HUMANOS E JUSTIÇA: Engloba o exercício da cidadania e da democracia para a promoção de uma sociedade consciente dos deveres, direitos e garantias fundamentais, contribuindo para a concretização dos valores e dos direitos individuais e coletivos. EDUCAÇÃO: Aborda as interações humanas a partir de processos de construção de conhecimento e cidadania considerando as dimensões política, social, tecnológica, econômica e cultural, promovendo relações dialógicas entre os distintos grupos sociais e a produção do conhecimento. MEIO AMBIENTE: Busca o desenvolvimento de ações com vistas à promoção do equilíbrio ambiental e estímulo às práticas que contribuam para a sustentabilidade e a melhoria da qualidade de vida. SAÚDE: Desenvolvimento de ações na perspectiva da promoção da saúde e da melhoria da qualidade de vida. TECNOLOGIA E PRODUÇÃO: Apoia e promove o desenvolvimento tecnológico, envolvendo a qualificação de recursos humanos, a geração e a otimização de processos e desenvolvimento de produtos, buscando o desenvolvimento sustentável. TRABALHO: Engloba as práticas humanas referentes às relações de trabalho; da sua relação com a educação ressalta-se o seu caráter de formação profissional, de geração de trabalho e de renda, de práticas solidárias e de articulação de políticas. Os estágios realizados em empresas vinculadas ao Feevale Techpark, são divididas em cinco grandes áreas de atuação: Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação; Indústria Criativa; Materiais e Nanotecnologia; Ciências da Saúde e Biotecnologia; Ciências Ambientais e Energias Renováveis. Investir nessas experiências internacionais e atividades extracurriculares é uma chave para enriquecer a vida acadêmica e profissional de um aluno internacional. A exposição a diferentes culturas amplia horizontes, promove a compreensão global e desenvolve habilidades interpessoais essenciais. Essas vivências moldam indivíduos, preparando-os para os desafios do mundo globalizado. 

Presenters Paula Casari Cundari
Diretora De Relações Internacionais , Universidade Feevale
Polytechnic University Of Cávado And Ave
General Coordinator of Innternational Affairs for Higher Education
Ministry Of Education
Técnico em Assuntos Educacionais
Universidade Federal Da Fronteria Sul
Diretor de Relações Internacionais
Diretora de relações internacionais
Universidade Feevale
Dr. Carla Camargo Cassol
Internationalization Hub
Ms. Clarissa Figueirôa
Manager of International Relations
Universidade Federal De Juiz De Fora
Ms. Lucimeiry Antunes
Universidade Evangélica De Goiás
Mrs. Paula Bullio
Language Course Coordinator
Faculdade Sesi De Educação
Mrs. Laura Redondo De Campos
Director of the Liaison Office
University Of Münster
 Yuri Leite
Senior International Officer
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
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