Sala Coral
Apr 23, 2024 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240423T1430 20240423T1630 America/Sao_Paulo Session 4A - Internationalization @ Home Sala Coral FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 02:30 PM - 02:50 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 17:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 17:50:00 UTC
Global citizenship education can be a transformative process that empowers individuals to "think and act to build more just, peaceful, tolerant, and inclusive societies" (UNESCO, 2017). In this sense, higher education plays a fundamental role by encompassing the principles of comprehensive internationalization. Beelen & Jones (2015) defined Internationalization at Home (IaH) as "the purposeful integration of international and intercultural dimensions into the formal and informal curriculum for all students within domestic learning environments". This perspective "also has much in common with 'internationalization of the curriculum,' a term which, like IaH, emphasizes the importance of internationalizing learning outcomes for all students, not simply those who study abroad" (Jones & Reiffenrath, 2018). Taking these perspectives into account, the goal of this study is to present and discuss some IaH practices that have been implemented at the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), a non-profit community institution located in southern Brazil that was recognized as the 11th most sustainable university in Brazil in the 2023 UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. Facing various post-pandemic challenges, the UPF IaH program takes into account the knowledge and experiences of both Brazilian and non-Brazilian academics, faculty, staff, and members of the local community. Furthermore, it acknowledges and cherishes the linguistic and cultural diversity that embraces the institution, always committed to pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals. These learner-oriented practices and assignments, designed to stimulate exchange and collaboration among participants,  aim to contribute to the development of intercultural competency, critical thinking, and global citizenship (Clifford, 2016). They include workshops, formal and informal meetings, presentations, intercultural events, as well as experiences in and with the local environment, among others. The activities, open to all members of the institution's community, as well as external stakeholders, have yielded positive results, such as integrating experiences and knowledge from individuals with diverse backgrounds and recognizing diversity as a valuable learning resource.

Presenters Luciane Sturm
International Relations Coordinator, Universidade De Passo Fundo
Co-Authors Jancileidi Hübner
Professor, Universidade De Passo Fundo
Brazilian Higher Education institutions and internationalization at home initiatives: possibilities to consider
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 02:50 PM - 03:10 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 17:50:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 18:10:00 UTC
In this presentation we share the process and the product of a research in the scope of internationalization of Higher Education, with a focus on internationalization at home (IaH). The research aimed to map the internationalization practices at home of the Brazilian Higher Education participating institutions and to learn about the perceptions of the participants with regard to the internationalization of higher education and IaH in the institutional environment. We had 70 participating institutions, spread over 5 Brazilian regions, 29 in the southeast, 26 in the northeast, 12 in the south, 10 in the center-west, and 4 in the north. The 81 answers to the applied questionnaire allowed for the identification of recurrent points, namely: barriers and difficulties in the implementation of actions, besides the scarcity of funding and government resources; awareness of what can be done in terms of IaH, especially in the favorable context of the pandemic, which forced institutions to think of different ways to internationalize without physical mobility; institutions in embryonic and incipient stages showing awareness of the importance of IaH; mentions of the relevance of an inclusive, Afrocentric, decolonial, multicultural and plurilingual perspectives, favoring a context of global citizenship. It was observed that the actions that are closer to the mainstream of physical mobility tend to be more naturalized to the participants of the internationalization process of Higher Education in Brazil and, consequently, have more visibility. However, the stated desire for incorporating IaH into their institutional contexts helps us envision possibilities to be considered and implemented once IaH initiatives we have mapped are widely shared.
Presenters Valeska Souza
Docente, Universidade Federal De Uberlândia
Jose Celso Freire Junior
Associate Provost For International Affairs, São Paulo State University
First steps towards establishing a project of Internationalization at Home in Engineering Programs at two Brazilian and two Argentine universities
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 03:10 PM - 03:30 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 18:10:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 18:30:00 UTC
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a series of difficulties for education worldwide, but it has also opened possibilities for implementing strategies that have been constantly postponed. Among these is the introduction of the activities of internationalization at home, since global competencies are key requirements in world of today, regardless of the field, profession or geographical location. Especially in the field of engineering, there is increasing demand for professionals who can perform their duties in a multicultural organization in which communication with clients, colleagues and business partners across international borders is a daily affair. It is essential to train engineers with an international profile from the start of the undergraduate program who, among other skills, communicate well, master different languages, are resilient, creative, critical, collaborative, with a keen global awareness, able to move around in multicultural environments, work in uncertain scenarios, solve problems, work in networks, use Digital Information and Communication Technologies and participate in co-creation in remote environments. To strengthen international, inter-institutional partnerships and to start proposing this type of activity in Engineering programs, in the domain of the Programa de Incentivo à Internacionalização (PIPRINT) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, a project was developed in partnership with another Brazilian institution - Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia - and two Argentine institutions - Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Activities of internalization at home were carried out, linked to questions relating to Differential and Integral Calculus, jointly constructed by Brazilian and Argentine teachers and solved remotely, collaboratively, by groups of students from both countries. The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and the horizontal displacement of a gantry were the contexts considered for the development of these questions, which provided participants with the opportunity to mobilize ways of thinking characteristic of Engineering. To analyze the results obtained through the project, we used the transcripts of the audiovisual recordings of the virtual meetings through which the activities were developed and the answers that the students gave to questionnaires about their perceptions when carrying out the activities. In the view of the students, participation enabled them to improve their communication skills with their colleagues, even though they sometimes faced language difficulties, which, in their opinion, was not really an obstacle, but a challenge. In addition, they felt motivated to leave their comfort zones to expose themselves to unknown people, with the possibility of making mistakes, which was possible because a welcoming environment was established for dialogues, discussions and critical thinking in the process of solving real problems. For the participating teachers, it became clear that instead of prior preparation for working with a specific real problem, it is important to orient the teaching and learning processes of mathematics towards the development of thinking strategies and the use of resources relevant to problem solving in a more general sense, to improve forms of reasoning closer to those required of an engineer.
Presenters Gabriel Lima
Professor Assistente Doutor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica De São Paulo
Barbara Lutaif Bianchini
Professora Associada, Pontifícia Universidade Católica De São Paulo
Eloiza Gomes
Tenured Professor, Instituto Mauá De Tecnologia
Internationalization@Home through Staff Training
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 03:30 PM - 03:50 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 18:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 18:50:00 UTC
Internationalization@Home processes highly vary among Institutions, with this presentation it is intended to share with the audience the experience of the main Engineering School in Portugal with a cooperative Internationalization@Home training programme, that combined the forces of the International Affairs and the Human Resources Departments in the development and implementation of an immersive and transversal Internationalization@Home Programme. 
This innovative and modular training programme kicked-off in 2023 and combined a set of diversified trainings in internationalization along with international staff mobility, the combination of attendance to a determined number of trainings and the involvement in internationalization activities conducted to the award of a Certification in Internationalization to the trainee. The goal of this programme is not only to rase awareness about the importance of international affairs in the Institution, but mostly to better prepare all actors in Higher Education to be agents in the internationalization process of the School. 
The presentation will encompass the programme model, contents and target audience, award criteria, dissemination and assessment, an overall approach of a best practice that united two different and quite often unrelated departments of an higher education institution.
Presenters Ana Agante Lucas
Training And Development Unit Coordinator, Instituto Superior Técnico
Co-Authors Denise Castilho De Matos
Internationalization Coordinator, Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação E Formação
Rui Mendes
Human Resources Director, Técnico Lisboa / Universidade De Lisboa
Internationalization at Home: Pedagogical Practices of Higher Education Lecturers with EMI Training
Oral PresentationForeign Language as a Medium of Education 03:50 PM - 04:10 PM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 18:50:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 19:10:00 UTC
This presentation addresses the doctoral research entitled "Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Pedagogical Practices of Higher Education Lecturers with EMI Training", from the Postgraduate Program in Literature (PPGLET) at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) under the supervision of the prof. Dr. Ron Martinez and also the research conducted at the Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (UNINT), through the PSDE/CAPES-PRINT Sandwich Doctoral Scholarship. Bradford (2016, p. 340) points out that higher education institutions are seeking to become increasingly internationalized and teaching academic subjects through English as a medium of instruction, EMI, in countries where English is not the language native has grown significantly. However, despite the growth of EMI, universities have faced challenges in its implementation, such as the rejection of EMI in some countries due to cultural concerns about a possible devaluation of the native language and questions about the approach, the lack of qualified teachers to teaching in EMI, the lack of clear regulatory documents and language policies on how to manage courses and subjects through English, the issue of the proficiency level of teachers, who generally do not have English as their native language, among others. In addition to these challenges, we had the COVID-19 pandemic that began in mid-November 2019 and early 2020 and affected all aspects of human life, strongly affecting education, also impacting higher education and internationalization actions. The pandemic is over, but the consequences are present in the changes that adapting to that moment required. Given this scenario, this research is relevant and its general objective is to explore what the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been on the pedagogical practices of higher education teachers who participated in EMI (English-Medium Instruction) training courses for face-to-face classes. of disciplines from different areas through the English language or even the mother tongue, so that we can understand and build changes and transformations resulting from the opportunities it may have brought. Regarding the methodology, this research is qualitative, interpretative and exploratory and descriptive in nature and the data to be analyzed were produced through interviews with Higher Education lecturers who participated in various EMI training courses, in a face-to-face or online, intensive or extensive format. The speeches from the interviews make up the data for this study whose analysis will be based on the ROAD-MAPPING theory (DAFOUZ; SMIT, 2016, 2020) which is composed of six dimensions: a) RO - Roles of English (roles of English in relation to other languages); b) AD - Academic Disciplines; c) M - Management; d) A - Agents; e) PP - Practices and Processes; and f) ING - Internationalization and Glocalization. The theory will be the basis for analyzing the participants' speeches in order to identify which are the most representative dimensions in the teachers' speeches and also deduce fundamental information for understanding the aspects involving internationalization, more specifically the EMI.
Mariza Tulio
Professor, Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa
Professora Associada
Pontifícia Universidade Católica De São Paulo
International Relations Coordinator
Universidade De Passo Fundo
Universidade Federal De Uberlândia
Professor Assistente Doutor
Pontifícia Universidade Católica De São Paulo
Training and Development Unit Coordinator
Instituto Superior Técnico
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Dr. Liliane Sade
Director of International Affairs
Universidade Federal De São João Del-Rei
Prof. Camila Höfling
Associate professor
Federal University Of São Carlos
Dr. Patrícia Miranda
International Relations Assistant
Universidade Federal De Rondônia
Mr. Moses Pieterse
Manager: International Partnerships (North &South America)
University Of The Witwatersrand
Dr. Osvaldo  Succi Junior
COIL VE Coordinator
Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
Ms. Diana Nascimento
Assessora de Relações Internacionais - ARINT
Instituto Federal De Rondônia
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