Aud. Vermelho
Apr 23, 2024 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240423T0900 20240423T1100 America/Sao_Paulo Session 3B - Global Partnerships Aud. Vermelho FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Macau's International Strategies in Higher Education: Navigating Global Challenges and Opportunities
National Policies of Internationalization 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 12:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 12:20:00 UTC
In this presentation, Liu will explore and discuss Macau's international strategies in higher education, focusing on the challenges and opportunities faced in the rapidly changing global landscape. Macau, as a Special Administrative Region of China, has embarked on a journey to transform itself into a regional education hub, attracting students and scholars from around the world.

 Liu will highlight the following Key Strategies:

1. Building Global Partnerships: Macau's universities and educational institutions have been actively forging partnerships with international counterparts to enhance research collaborations, student exchange programs, and joint degree initiatives. Liu will discuss a few successful models of global partnerships and discuss strategies for further expansion.

2. Attracting International Students: Macau has been working towards increasing its appeal as an attractive destination for international students. Liu will examine the factors that attract students to Macau, such as academic programs, cultural diversity, and quality of life. Liu will also discuss ways to enhance the international student experience and support services.

3. Enhancing Research and Innovation: Liu will explore Macau's efforts to develop a vibrant research and innovation ecosystem, highlighting successful initiatives, such as research centers, funding schemes, and collaborative projects with industry partners.

4. Addressing Global Challenges: Liu will further articulate that Macau's international strategies in higher education must also consider global challenges such as the impact of COVID-19, climate change, and technological advancements. Liu will also discuss how Macau can adapt and respond to these challenges, ensuring the resilience and sustainability of its higher education sector.

 In closing, Liu will offer insights and recommendations with regard to how Macau's international strategies in higher education can be mutually beneficial to internationalization in higher education in other Portuguese speaking countries . 

Jun Liu
Rector, City University Of Macau
Fiocruz-University of Lille-Institut Pasteur de Lille cooperation: developing key steps to build a long-term partnership.
Oral PresentationStrategic Cooperation 09:20 AM - 09:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 12:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 12:40:00 UTC
Aiming at strengthening and further exploring key scientific partnerships, Fiocruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), University of Lille and Institut Pasteur of Lille decided to search for common ground in research and education initiatives in health-related themes. 
This  presentation aims to explain the main steps for developing this cooperation and encourage discussion with other institutions to improve this process. The tripartite collaboration, is still under construction and intends to stimulate exchanges between researchers and students and encourage the establishment of joint research and training networks.
The first steps involved strategic visits, both in Rio de Janeiro and in Lille, and online seminars with institutional leaders from international affairs, research and education offices, along with research scientists. Key meeting were an event broadcasted on YouTube on the University of Lille's channel, in July 2023, as the kick-off for the official launch of the partnership, and a delegation in Lille of the CAPES-PrInt Program, a project for internationalization of Fiocruz graduate programs.
 One primary outcome of the meetings was the definition of three strategic topics for joint activities: Infectious Diseases, Inequalities in Public Health and Health Systems, and Innovation in Healthcare. The following strategy adopted in the three institutions was to map out the researchers with interest in expanding or starting collaborative activities with the other partners in these scientific fields. Specific forms were applied, and subgroups formed for further discussions, interactions and the possible pairing/network formation. 
Next steps include exchanges of professors and researchers to develop the groundwork for student exchanges and new common research programs. Call for common grant is also in process.
In addition, the formalization of the initial cooperation was defined via the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and plans of activities are being outlined. In this sense, the next steps of the collaboration will include online and presential seminars, workshop for project outlines, construction of joint courses.
It is relevant to mention that such a tripartite international cooperation faces several challenges which range from language barriers to the competitive search for resources aimed at the development longstanding joint research activities. 
Based on these first steps, it is conceivable that the multi and transdisciplinary format of the interactions in this tripartite partnership will strengthen a key network of research in health and accelerate the construction of knowledge in field with common interest that are key challenges for the future (emerging diseases, inequalities).
Infectiologist, Université De Lille
Prof Of Immunology, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Analice Braga
International Relations Adviser, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
ERASMUSCENTRO: Boas Práticas de Internacionalização em Portugal
Oral PresentationInternationalization in Portuguese/Spanish 09:40 AM - 10:00 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 12:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:00:00 UTC
A apresentação foca-se no percurso do ERASMUSCENTRO, o maior consórcio de projetos de mobilidade internacional em Portugal. 
O Erasmuscentro representa o primeiro consórcio erasmus regional criado em Portugal em 2011, por iniciativa do Politécnico de Coimbra, e que integrou na sua fundação cinco Instituições de Ensino Superior Politécnico da região centro, os Institutos Politécnicos de Coimbra, Castelo Branco, Guarda, Leiria e Viseu.
O êxito deste projeto pioneiro dedicado, inicialmente, apenas a estágios internacionais teve tradução em pedidos de adesão ao Erasmuscentro, em 2012, pelos Institutos Politécnicos de Portalegre e Santarém, e em 2014, pelo Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, de que resultou a atual composição que integra as, agora, oito Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) do subsistema Politécnico.
Nos anos subsequentes à sua criação o Erasmuscentro consolidou a sua projeção nacional e internacional tornando-se um projeto de referência e o maior consórcio de projetos de mobilidades internacionais em Portugal e um dos maiores na Europa, representando um marco significativo no panorama da internacionalização dos Politécnicos Portugueses.
Este trabalho explora os resultados que foram alcançados ao longo dos 13 anos de existência do ERASMUSCENTRO, bem como a evolução do modelo de governação, que em 2019 sofreu uma reestruturação inovadora no âmbito da qual foi celebrado um novo acordo que redefiniu a missão do consórcio, tendo em conta os desafios da nova geração de programas europeus 2021-2027. No novo modelo de governação o Politécnico de Coimbra foi eleito coordenador, com responsabilidades ampliadas na gestão administrativa e financeira dos projetos.  A Agência Nacional Erasmus+ aprovou, em 2021, a certificação da coordenação para todo o período de vigência do Programa Erasmus+ 2021-2027.
Ao enfatizar os resultados obtidos, esta comunicação oferece insights valiosos sobre como o ERASMUSCENTRO se tornou um modelo de referência em boas práticas de internacionalização em Portugal.
Presenters Maria João Cardoso
Pró Presidente Para As Relações Internacionais, Polytechnic University Of Coimbra
Navigating Change: Assessing the Impact of Compulsory Retirement on Higher Education Internationalization at the Pedagogical University of Maputo, Mozambique
Oral PresentationNational Policies of Internationalization 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 13:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:20:00 UTC
As higher education institutions worldwide strive for global excellence, the role of qualified academic staff is pivotal in shaping internationalization efforts. In 2021, Mozambique enacted Law no.8/2021, mandating the compulsory retirement of civil servants over 60 to achieve fiscal efficiency, aligning with IMF recommendations. This legislation, impacting around 450 teachers and researchers across public institutions, poses significant challenges for the Pedagogical University of Maputo.
This research explores the repercussions of compulsory retirement on human capital, focusing on the Pedagogical University of Maputo as a case study. By assessing the unique qualifications, skills, and epistemological knowledge of affected academic staff, the study aims to unveil potential consequences for the institution's capacity to offer a globally oriented, high-quality education. Additionally, it examines the anticipated effects on research output, institutional development, and the success of higher education internationalization initiatives.
The findings promise to enrich discussions on policy implications, sustainable academic institutions, and the preservation of educational quality amid evolving global contexts. This research contributes essential insights for academia, policy-makers, and practitioners seeking to navigate the delicate balance between fiscal responsibility and the imperative for a robust internationalized education system.
Key words: Higher education internationalization; Compulsory retirement; Academic staff; Pedagogical University of Maputo

Alves Manjate
Advisor To The Rector, Universidade Pedagógica De Maputo
Strategy of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo for the internationalization of Erasmus+ Program in non-associated countries within a context of great geographical extension
Oral PresentationInternational Outreach & Social Projects 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 13:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:40:00 UTC
The European Commission aims to internationalize education in Europe, in an increasingly globalized world. The internationalization of the Erasmus+ Program is also encouraged by the European Commission, and in the last approved program (2021-27), grant beneficiaries can use up to 20% of the last granted subsidy for outbound mobility to non-associated countries worldwide.
The Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC) has significantly strengthened its internationalization strategy over the past 4 years in a broad geographical scope, particularly with Portuguese-speaking countries.
To ensure the impact of established partnerships and foster student mobility opportunities in contexts and realities different from those in Europe, through the 20% budget of the Erasmus+ program, it is essential to adopt a comprehensive strategy. IPVC has centered its strategy on the following guidelines:
Identification of Strategic Partners in a broad geographical scope (consolidating institutional partnerships); Alignment of objectives and goals (setting goals for exchange and developing joint research projects or social impact actions); Development of significant projects (providing not only mobility for students and staff but also having a positive impact on local communities and the internationalization of courses); Promotion of cultural diversity (cultural events, intercultural workshops, and immersion activities in the local community); Involvement of Local Stakeholders (government authorities, educational institutions, and civil society organizations); Dissemination and sharing of results (sharing results and lessons learned with the academic community and the media).
The use of this funding outside Europe has allowed IPVC to strengthen partnerships through teaching staff mobility with institutions such as the Persian Gulf University (Iran), Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan), University of Taipei (Taiwan), Fundación Universidad Camilo José Cela (Mexico), and several institutions in Brazil, such as EFPE, IFES and IFPR. As a direct result of these mobilities, we are currently developing with these partners, submissions to funding programs (HORIZON and ERASMUS+), R&D activities, co-supervision of post-doctoral research, double-degree master's programs, production of coaching training materials in youth football, and scouting involving the Taiwan Football Federation. Additionally, IPVC teaching staff and students have also participated in collaborative workshops on social innovation with students from Ibero-American universities to develop entrepreneurial projects for social and environmental transformation of local and/or global communities.
Regarding student mobility, significant examples include the "Surf Internship for Development and Peace: A Case Study of São Tomé and Príncipe," involving 30 young women as part of the SOMA project – "Proud Surfers of Women in Africa", and the curricular internship in teacher training in Cabo Verde, where the learning experience was summarized by students as "I grew, challenged myself, and surpassed myself."
In light of the results we have achieved so far, we believe that this strategy should be continued at IPVC within the Erasmus+ framework as a means for global development, contributing to fostering a more socially just and equitable world.
Ana Vale
Vice-Presidente , Instituto Politécnico De Viana Do Castelo
City University Of Macau
International Relations Adviser
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Pró Presidente para as Relações Internacionais
Polytechnic University Of Coimbra
Advisor to the Rector
Universidade Pedagógica De Maputo
Instituto Politécnico De Viana Do Castelo
International Affairs Officer
Universidade Federal De Uberlândia
Prof. Nastasha Salame Da Silva
International Programs Advisor
Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná
Mr. Moses Pieterse
Manager: International Partnerships (North &South America)
University Of The Witwatersrand
Prof. Marcos Antonio Cruz Moreira
Full Professor, research director
Instituto Federal Fluminense
Mrs. Viviane Campanhola Bortoluzzi
Assessora de Assuntos Internacionais
Instituto Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul
Mrs. Sarah Duarte
Coordination of international relationships
Instituto Federal De Educação, Ciência E Tecnologia Do Sertão Pernambucano
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