Aud. Amarelo
Apr 23, 2024 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240423T0900 20240423T1100 America/Sao_Paulo Session 3A - Virtual Exchange Aud. Amarelo FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Combination and Integration of Physical and Virtual Academic Mobility to Develop IaH and IoC: Insights from UFES
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 12:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 12:20:00 UTC
This talk reports on the combination of physical and virtual academic mobility and the integration of a Virtual Exchange (VE) project in the curriculum so as to foster internationalisation at home (IaH) and Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC). The presentation focuses on the experience of a professor in charge of the integration of VE and academic mobility in the graduate and post-graduate curriculum of a federal university in the southeast region of Brazil, and responsible and host to two Belgian students in the semester 2023-2. The two Belgian students were involved in an internationalization project coordinated by the professor, with the support of the international office and its division of languages. Challenges for the development of IaH and IoC were identified and included: lack of courses/activities/opportunities in foreign languages in the host institution; limited support for housing for incoming international students; lack of accreditation for international activities; lack of a comprehensive/detailed language policy to support internationalization. The internationalization project aimed to find solutions to counter the challenges found, so as to increase possibilities to host international students at the institution with the combination and integration of physical and virtual academic mobility.
Presenters Kyria Finardi
Professor And Member Of The Permanent Internationalization Board, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Felipe Guimaraes
Professor, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Challenges and opportunities of virtual exchange programs: a perception of students from a public Brazilian High Education Institution
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 09:20 AM - 09:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 12:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 12:40:00 UTC
Study abroad is one of the best strategies to prepare students for an interdependent and constantly changing world. However, very fewer than 1% of students participate in international mobility programs. In this context, virtual exchanges (VE) make it possible for every student to access high quality cross-cultural and international education. VE might function as an inclusive, complementary and synergic approach to physical exchange programs. In this context, to evaluate the process and impacts concerning VE is crucial to expand their offers and to participants achieve all its benefits. Considering that we aim to expand VE offerings and improve the related process of creation, promotion and management, our goal is to know the perception of VE participants from a public High Education Institution (HEI), located in a southwest region of Brazil. We carried out a qualitative interview to inquire about the perception of our students that have participated in the VE program with a HEI partner through a questionnaire sent by email. A total of 24 students evaluated one VE program from a German university (8 graduate and 16 undergraduate), mainly of the human field(19/24), followed by the exact field (4/24) and health (1/24) sciences. Of these, 50% took one subject, 25% took two and 25% took three. Only 13% were approved in all three subjects, showing that it can be complicated to take many subjects in parallel with face-to-face subjects at the university itself. A total of 21 (87,5%) students were satisfied or very satisfied with the experience while 3/24 (12,5%) were dissatisfied. The challenges mentioned were time zones, guidance on the methods and assessment of subjects which was not always clear, and platform or internet connection. The major question concerning the internal procedures from university was difficulties in credits equivalence and recognition by their courses. The participants point their disappointment especially in graduation programs. Despite the challenges 92% of the participants would recommend VE to a friend. The students reinforced the opportunities to study with people from other parts of the world, they highlighted the importance of interculturality and soft/power skills, and the creation of study groups. All the benefits reported confirms the high impact of VE during academic training. In summary, understanding the challenges and opportunities related to VE considering user perception can lead to improvements in democratization and process management.
Presenters Frederico Silva
Administrator, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Flávia Errera
Director Of Outgoing Mobility, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Yuri Leite
Senior International Officer, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Lisiane Rodrigues
Secretária Executiva, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Raphael Alves
Estagiário, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Staff Member, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Thiago Prado
Chefe Da Divisão De Mobilidade Para A Ufes, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Ana Rachel Macedo Mendes
Secretária Executiva, Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
COIL/ VE – Unaerp experience and perspectives
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 09:40 AM - 10:00 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 12:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:00:00 UTC
For around 10 years, Unaerp has been working towards its internationalization and, in this sense, the acquisition of the FAUBAI-BRaVE hallmark contributed to the consolidation of institutional work and efforts. Throughout each semester, the VE coordination participated in trainings and events, such as FAUBAI 2023, IVEC 2023, online events and was able to establish many contacts and learn from experiences from other institutions.
Within this capacity, the VE Coordinator began a movement to raise awareness and train Unaerp teachers interested in VE. This work took place with institutional support, as well as course coordinators, who, by getting involved, were able to identify teachers with potential interest in internationalization.
In this sense, the acquisition of the FAUBAI-BRaVE hallmark contributed to the consolidation of institutional work and efforts, the International office began a movement to raise awareness and train teachers interested in VE. This work took place with institutional support, as well as course coordinators, who, by getting involved, were able to identify teachers with potential interest in internationalization.
In order to train teachers, the international office, with the VE coordinator, structured two training courses: initially a theoretical part, explaining what VE is like and how it should be designed to achieve its objectives; in the second moment, called the VE Workshop, teachers were able to put together their VE proposals. Thus, Unaerp no longer waited for its partners or international contacts to look for it, but now created its own portfolio of interest in VE and actively sought out teachers interested in carrying out activities together.
Based on the premise that with the training and involvement of teachers, activities in the VE modality will gain strength, Unaerp believes that by next year it will be able to carry out at least one VE per course, as teachers from different areas and courses have engaged in the proposals.
We believe this contribution will be of significant interest to the conference attendees and is in line with the themes of internationalization at home and the advancement of COIL/ VE professionals.
Presenters Paula Gabriela Coetti Ramos
VE/ COIL Coordinator, Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Vanessa Panico
Director Of International Affairs, Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Tatiane Martins
International Office Surpervisor, Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Virtual internationalization contributions to strengthen internationalization of higher education in the Global South
Oral PresentationInternationalization at Home & Internationalization of Curriculum 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 13:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:20:00 UTC
Today's global academic landscape is highly uneven which impacts how higher education institutions (HEIs) in different world regions approach internationalization of higher education (IoHE) (Uzhegova and Baik, 2022; Maringe et al., 2013). Stallivieri (2019) posits that HEIs in "disadvantaged contexts" of the Global South face innumerous obstacles to internationalization, such as lack of resources and quality issues. 
In our presentation we intend to explore, based on existing literature, how Virtual Internationalization might support HEIs in the Global South to overcome internationalization challenges. Our analysis will draw on Bruhn's Virtual Internationalization (VI) model that offers a holistic perspective on how digital information and communication technologies may support HEIs internationalization efforts. The author argues that VI "can serve as a tool in order to achieve a comprehensive and inclusive internationalization practice" (Bruhn 2021, p.17).
To answer our research question whether VI help HEIs in the Global South overcome internationalization challenges and strengthen their internationalization strategies we have conducted a systematic review of recent literature (2018-2023) in three databases (ERIC, Web of Sciences, Scopus) using two different search strings. Evidence that VI can strengthen IoHE in the Global South was found mainly for international collaborations in education, and in particular VE/COIL programs. It also seems that after the Covid-pandemic more HEIs in the Global South and particularly in Latin America comprehend the value of "virtual internationalization at home" and that VI cooperation formats in teaching (and research) are now more widespread in those countries. To a lesser extent we have found evidence that VI could strengthen faculty policies, research collaboration, institutional alliances, and network building, especially in South-South contexts. However, our findings also show that VI is not exempt from reproducing North-South imbalances due to differences in technology access and availability and unequal power relations among other factors. It seems that historically grown inequalities between institutions in the Global North and South cannot be wiped out "just by going online". 
Presenters Jan Krimphove
Head Of International Affairs, Centro Universitário Christus
Co-Authors Luciane Stallivieri
Professor And Researcher, Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina
Italo Cavalcante Aguiar
Assistant Coordinator Of International Affairs, Centro Universitário Christus
Virtual exchanges for future teachers: fostering global competencies for a more inclusive educational environment
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/23 13:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:40:00 UTC
Aware of the benefits of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as a strategy for the process of Internationalization at Home (IaH), this presentation reports on  a transformative experience in organizing cross-cultural collaborations among Brazilian, American, and Taiwanese professors. The focus of this initiative lies in virtual exchange projects designed for undergraduate future teachers, aiming to enrich their global competencies and enhance their effectiveness as English educators in a diverse and interconnected world. This COIL program, titled "Knowing Our Students, Knowing Ourselves" (KOSKO), has connected future teachers worldwide since 1991. At the Letras Program of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), a non-profit community institution in southern Brazil, three successful editions were held from 2021 to 2023. Participants delved into critical topics essential for educators in the 21st century and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals 4, 10, and 16. The central themes included the global significance of English, embracing diverse accents and teaching approaches, understanding the nuances of diversity in education, and exploring the aspirations and values that future teachers bring to their envisioned roles in schools across participating countries. The heart of the project involved interactive activities on Padlet, creating a virtual space for engagement. Through posts comprising photos, poems, audios, and comments, participants shared their cultural richness and educational perspectives. This experience not only encouraged mutual understanding but also challenged preconceived notions about language, culture, and education. The emphasis was on fostering an environment where the acceptance of different accents and teaching styles was celebrated. The culmination of each edition was marked by a reflective final meeting on Google Meet. Here, participants had the opportunity to collectively reflect on their Padlet interactions, identifying common ground and appreciating differences. This meeting served as a bridge for participants to exchange contact information, laying the foundation for future collaborations. The impact of this international collaboration is noticeable when reading the participants' reflections after their engagement with the activities proposed. Engaging with American and Taiwanese counterparts exposed the Brazilian future teachers to varied pedagogical approaches, enabling a broader understanding of global education. The emphasis on English as a global language instigated a change of perspective, fostering adaptability and cultural sensitivity. The three editions of this project have shown the experience not only broadened their cultural horizons but also equipped them with valuable insights to navigate the complexities of a multicultural classroom. In conclusion, this presentation underscores the significance of international collaborations for Brazilian universities and future teachers. By engaging in projects that promote cross-cultural understanding and global competencies, these educators are better equipped to meet the demands of an interconnected world. The impact extends beyond the virtual exchange, influencing their pedagogical practices and contributing to a more inclusive and globally aware educational environment.
Presenters Jancileidi Hübner
Professor, Universidade De Passo Fundo
Co-Authors Luciane Sturm
International Relations Coordinator, Universidade De Passo Fundo
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
Director of outgoing mobility
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo
VE/ COIL Coordinator
Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Head of International Affairs
Centro Universitário Christus
Universidade De Passo Fundo
Dr. Osvaldo  Succi Junior
COIL VE Coordinator
Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
 Luciane Stallivieri
Professor and Researcher
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Mr. Raniery De Oliveira Souza
Translator & Interpreter
Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte
UniRV - Universidade De Rio Verde
Prof. Heitor Bueno Ravena
Mrs. Poliana Brito
Coordinator of International Affairs
Instituto Federal De Educação, Ciência E Tecnologia Do Tocantins
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