Aud. Amarelo
Apr 22, 2024 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240422T0900 20240422T1100 America/Sao_Paulo Session 1A - International journeys Aud. Amarelo FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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A new journey engaging research and creative partners from the United States and Latin America: An Ohio State example
Oral PresentationInternationalization of Research 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 12:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 12:20:00 UTC
Focusing on internationalization of research and creative/artistic projects, the Ohio State University (OSU) initiated a new journey via two bold moves in 2023: appointed an academic director to its Brazil Gateway and established a Global Gateways Initiative Grants to support faculty working on projects aligned with the goals of the Global Gateways. OSU's Brazil Gateway (established in 2014) is one of three international offices of the university (the others are in China and India) that help foster connections and facilitate opportunities for collaborative projects and programs. It exists to help advance the university's international mission through research, creative expression, instruction, and other exchanges and partnerships. In this presentation, Academic Director Prof. Dr. Fábio Leite and Senior Director Dr. Jane Aparecido will briefly introduce the Brazil Gateway goals, then discuss in detail the aims of the Initiatives Grants, the early success of the program for collaborations within Brazil, and the expectations surrounding the three projects already funded and in progress (in 2024).

The Initiatives Grants program was developed to encourage collaborative creation of knowledge and artistic productions and collaborative problem-solving, focusing on projects including at least one (existing or new) regional partner in Latin America and funded and supported by the Office of International Affairs at OSU (via its Global Gateways and Partnerships arm). The Brazil Gateway attracted the largest number of proposals among the three Gateways – an indication that collaborations between the U.S. and Latin America could and should be expanded – and was rewarded with three projects being funded – also the largest number in the three world regions. All three projects – which cover the arts, ecosystem restoration practices, and environmental injustices – identified topics of broad societal implications, will work to maintain long-lasting collaborative programs and to make significant contributions to their respective fields, and have a plan to educate and inform relevant communities. We expect to see tangible benefits both to the scholars and to the public, both in relevant regions of Brazil and in Ohio. The Brazil Gateway will provide some logistical assistance as necessary by each project, in line with its goal to help establish new and strengthen existing collaborations between scholars in the United States and in Latin America. 

Attendees are expected to leave with a clear understanding of the Ohio State University's journey forward by way of a new internal Initiatives Grants program, which could serve as inspiration to their own journeys fostering international scholarly collaborations.
English, Portugues
Presenters Fábio Leite
Academic Director, Brazil Gateway, The Ohio State University
Co-Authors Jane Aparecido
Senior Director, The Ohio State University - Brazil Gateway
Exploring European Alliances through Unite! and Run.EU - A Case Study featuring University of Lisbon and Polytechnic University of Leiria
Oral PresentationNetworks and International Associations 09:20 AM - 09:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 12:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 12:40:00 UTC
The primary objective of this oral presentation is to highlight the significance and impact of European alliances by addressing two concrete examples, Unite! and Run.EU, where the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) and the Polytechnic University of Leiria play integral roles. This presentation discusses the transformative potential of these alliances in fostering collaborative research, academic exchange, and innovation across diverse European institutions. By showcasing the tangible outcomes and initiatives within Unite! and Run.EU, the presentation seeks to underscore the benefits derived from cross-border partnerships, emphasizing educational quality and flexibility, research excellence, and societal impact. Moreover, it endeavours to inspire a deeper understanding of the strategic advantages and global opportunities presented by these European Alliances, positioning ULisboa and Polytechnic of Leiria at the forefront of international collaboration and academic innovation within the European higher education landscape.

These Erasmus+ European Alliances, exemplified by Unite! and Run.EU, offer a platform not only for institutional development but also for stakeholders in and beyond academia. Furthermore, the impact of these alliances extends beyond their own countries, resonating with countries outside of Europe. Partnerships established within Unite! and Run.EU present an open invitation to nations beyond Europe, fostering global academic exchange and facilitating international mobility and cooperation. Countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, for instance, can derive substantial benefits from these alliances. They serve as gateways for these regions to engage in collaborative research, leverage best practices in internationalisation of higher education, and establish partnerships that transcend geographical boundaries. These alliances offer an invaluable opportunity for knowledge exchange, capacity building, and cultural enrichment, enabling non-European countries to access resources, expertise, and innovative practices that can catalyse their own educational and societal development. By fostering a truly global network, these alliances aim to create an inclusive platform for international collaboration, ensuring that the benefits of European Higher Education extend well beyond the continent, positively impacting global education, research, and innovation landscapes.
This presentation can be in Portuguese or in English.
Presenters Rui Mendes
Human Resources Director, Técnico Lisboa / Universidade De Lisboa
Co-Authors Denise Castilho De Matos
Internationalization Coordinator, Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação E Formação
Dina Amaro
Head Of International Office, Polytechnic University Of Leiria
The journey ahead: Brazil-UK collaboration now that Brazil is back
Oral PresentationStrategic Cooperation 09:40 AM - 10:00 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 12:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 13:00:00 UTC
The UK and Brazilian higher education systems have a strong, well-established relationship. For Brazil, the UK is the second largest source of collaboration, behind only the US (and once adjusted for size, ahead of the US). For the UK, Brazil is far and away the most important source of collaboration in South America. When the UK and Brazil work together, it boosts their citations by a factor of over two for the UK, and over three for Brazil. The last few years have seen, however, a decline in collaborative outputs: the number of joint publications, having peaked in 2021, has fallen by almost 15% as Brazilian universities faced challenging budget cuts. But Brazil is back, and UK-Brazilian collaboration is set for a bright future.

That is why the University of Birmingham has just launched officially its Brazil Institute. This caps over 10 years of strategic engagement by the University in Brazil. Over that time, we have developed a profile as one of the most committed UK institutions in Brazil. In May 2023, this was recognised by Brazil's Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, with whom we signed a protocol of intent setting out the shared commitment to collaborate more closely through the establishment of a Brazil Institute at the University. Our collaborations with Brazilian research partners in health, nanotechnology, environmental science, transport and energy address the key challenges that have impact in not only Brazil and the UK, but the rest of the world. A prime example is the Chico Mendes Visiting Chair Programme, awarded to us by CAPES to advance academic excellence in sustainability and social justice.

Our ambition is to deepen and widen the University's engagement with Brazil; to contribute to strengthening the partnership between the UK and Brazil; and to be recognised internationally as the leading UK centre for Brazilian engagement. At the official launch of the Institute on the 24 November 2023, the new Ambassador of Brazil to the UK, His Excellency Antonio Patriota, declared that "Brazil is back". We at the University of Birmingham-and we are sure all UK universities-welcome Brazil's re-emergence to occupy its rightful place on the international stage. We aim to showcase the past, present and future of collaboration between Brazil and the UK, using some of our own projects to highlight the strength of the ties between the two countries.
Robin Mason
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), University Of Birmingham
Multiplicando metodologias finlandesas: Mentoria Docente - Brasil/Finlândia. Cooperação Feevale – Tampere University
Oral PresentationStrategic Cooperation 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 13:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 13:20:00 UTC
A rede de cooperação internacional é um dos ativos mais importantes de uma instituição acadêmica. Oportuniza conexões para ações conjuntas na pesquisa, ensino, extensão e inovação, ampliando a mobilidade e impactando fortemente na qualidade educacional.
A Feevale tem parcerias com instituições renomadas em 32 países, e dentre elas se destaca a cooperação latino-nórdica Brasil- Finlândia, que existe desde 2005. 
As ações conjuntas transversalizam todas as áreas do conhecimento. Na educação, a Finlândia ocupa as primeiras posições dos rankings, como o PISA, sendo uma das referências mundiais. Como mais um dos resultados da cooperação, a Feevale e a Tampere University desenvolveram o primeiro curso para formação em metodologias finlandesas, uma especialização em Mentoria Docente- Brasil/Finlândia, com dupla certificação.
O curso se propõe a qualificar os profissionais envolvidos no processo de formação de professores, bem como o relacionamento docente com os alunos, por meio de uma metodologia baseada no know-how finlandês, que visa a criar um modelo operacional conjunto entre os professores da educação básica, professores universitários e licenciandos. Após concluir o curso, o participante será capaz de: promover feedbacks assertivos e direcionados, com vistas a qualificar a formação do licenciando; conduzir, por meio de mentoria, atividades de aprendizagem flexíveis/adaptativas, em ambientes de aprendizagem versáteis e inovadores; dominar questões teóricas centrais relativas ao ensino e aprendizagem na educação básica; identificar e superar desafios pessoais e institucionais relacionados ao desenvolvimento de competências pedagógicas teóricas e práticas.
O curso Formação em Mentoria Docente - Brasil/Finlândia é composto por cinco módulos integrados e inter-relacionados, abordando os seguintes temas e conteúdo: Módulo 1: Fundamentos da formação de professores com "mentoring". Conteúdos: sistema de formação de professores na Finlândia; A Escola como comunidade de aprendizagem profissional; Apoiando o crescimento profissional de professores em formação em estudos universitários; Apoiando a formação de professores em formação de práticas de Ensino (incorporação de teoria à prática); Crescimento profissional como formadores de
professores. Módulo 2: A mentoria na formação de professores. Conteúdos: mentorado, em vez de apenas supervisionado na prática de ensino – Por quê?; Ensino apoiado;  Feedback e avaliação na prática de ensino; Eu como supervisor/ mentor da prática de ensino – o conceito de "mentoring". Módulo 3: Desenvolvimento institucional na formação de professores. Conteúdos: Desenvolvimento curricular na formação de professores; Desenvolvimento da cultura escolar coletiva como parte da comunidade de aprendizagem profissional; Colaboração entre os cursos da Universidade e a Escola de Aplicação; Como organizar os períodos de prática / aplicações – melhores práticas; - Liderança com apoio como parte de aprendizagem profissional. Módulo 4: Pilotando a
Mentoria. Conteúdo: Aplicação e avaliação do projeto de mentoria. Módulo 5: Seminários. Conteúdo: Relato detalhado, com supervisão docente, das atividades propostas e sua relação com aspectos teóricos vinculados à formação docente, mentoria e práticas de ensino
Em junho de 2022, sessenta e nove professores da Universidade Feevale e da Escola de Aplicação Feevale concluíram o curso e agora estão habilitados a replicar a metodologia finlandesa de ensino no Rio Grande do Sul e no Brasil, sob licença da Tampere University, da Finlândia. 

Presenters Paula Casari Cundari
Diretora De Relações Internacionais , Universidade Feevale
China: State University and recent economic growth with a view to the active internationalization of higher education
Oral PresentationNational Policies of Internationalization 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 13:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 13:40:00 UTC
Based on an investigation of the 42 universities in the Chinese government's recent Double First Class Project (2017), and with the reopening of the market, the study seeks to understand: the relationship built up between the State and the University in China;  the responsibilities attributed to Chinese universities; and how the adoption of an active conception of the internationalization of higher education has helped China expand as a world leader.

Design/methodology/approach: This qualitative study gives an exploratory character to the research carried out based on bibliographic surveys (in bibliometric sources Web of Science, Scopus and Qualis) and documents (from governmental and intergovernmental bodies and global academic rankings). The content analysis is based on the theories of internationalization of Higher Education and world class universities.

Findings: The findings indicate a close relationship between State and university, with academia assuming responsibilities that are incorporated into the country's external projection policy. This results in international visibility that favors, among other factors, receptivity of the Western influence, for example, when impressing Eastern standards and network formation abroad.

Originality: On international management side, the study relates the rationales of the internationalization process of higher education and the axes of action of China's current foreign projection policy, pointing out the level of international insertion of Chinese universities.
Presenters Rosi Vieira
Head Of International Relations Office, Centro Universitário Facens
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)
University Of Birmingham
Academic Director, Brazil Gateway
The Ohio State University
Human Resources Director
Técnico Lisboa / Universidade De Lisboa
Diretora de relações internacionais
Universidade Feevale
Head of International Relations Office
Centro Universitário Facens
Mrs. Andreia Lopes De Castro Ribeiro
Head of International Experiences
Ms. Laudelina Cruz
English Translator
Coordenador de Relações Intenacionais
Universidade Federal De Itajubá
 Jan Krimphove
Head of International Affairs
Centro Universitário Christus
Ms. Lucimeiry Antunes
Universidade Evangélica De Goiás
Prof. Melissa Cavalcanti Bandos
Pró-Reitora de Extensão
Centro Universitário Municipal De Franca
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