Sala Marron
Apr 22, 2024 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM(America/Sao_Paulo)
20240422T0900 20240422T1100 America/Sao_Paulo Session 1C - COIL & Virtual Exchange Sala Marron FAUBAI 2024 Conference | April 20-24, Brazil
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Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 12:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 12:20:00 UTC
The COIL – Collaborative Online International Learning activity is a mean of virtual mobility for the internationalization of learning, favoring the development of multicultural skills and competencies; for both students and teachers. This work presents the COIL experience between Brazil and Mexico, between architecture and urbanism courses, in the disciplines: Integrated Architecture, Urbanism and Landscaping Project IV (4th period), of the Architecture and Urbanism Course at the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP) and Taller de Arquitectura III of the Department of Architecture of the Institute of Architecture, Design and Art of the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (Uacj), Chihuahua, Mexico. The activities took place over a period of 4 weeks, with 2 meetings per week, respecting time zones. The object of design study covered the intra-urban scale, addressing issues relating to the chosen areas in the two cities involved (Ribeirão Preto and Ciudad Juárez). Project guidelines were proposed for the Requalification of the Urban axis, for Collective Social Interest Housing and for Landscaping. As materials and methods, synchronous and asynchronous environments were used for the classes of teachers from both countries and for the presentation and delivery of student activities. This allowed students from Mexico to develop projects in an area located in Brazil, together with Brazilian students. Face-to-face assistance with local students to monitor the project development process and also communication between students from both countries via WhatsApp groups and Google Meet meetings. The design process method and conduct of activities were, therefore, shared and collaborative; both between teachers, presenting content and reflections to students from the partner country, and between groups formed by students from both countries. The work development process was developed in five stages: understanding the problems of the study area of each country, survey and systematization of data from the study areas; diagnosis; intervention guidelines and design principles of the respective study areas – Brazil and Mexico. The results obtained revealed progress in the multicultural skills and competencies of the teachers and students involved, who faced the challenge of Portuguese/Spanish communication; moments of collective reflection between teachers and students; the exchange of professional experiences and technical knowledge; cultural curiosities and educational interactivity. The results of the Integrated Projects (architecture, urban planning and landscaping) presented by the students, after 4 weeks, in the form of design guidelines for the study area. The work demonstrated creative design advancement due to the exchange of ideas and design solutions; improvement in the ability to organize and synthesize the communication of the design process, through drawings, diagrams and illustrations, which favored the understanding of both students and foreign teachers.
Presenters Paula Gabriela Coetti Ramos
VE/ COIL Coordinator, Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Co-Authors Edson Salerno Junior
Director Of The Architecture And Urbanism Program, Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 09:20 AM - 09:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 12:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 12:40:00 UTC
A mobilidade estudantil virtual é uma forma de mobilidade que usa tecnologias de informação e comunicação para facilitar intercâmbios e colaborações acadêmicas, culturais e experimentais transfronteiriças e/ou interinstitucionais, pode aumentar o acesso à educação internacional, aproveitando definitivamente a tecnologia e reduzindo a pegada ambiental do ensino superior (UNESCO, 2022).  Iniciamos as ações nessa perspectiva após o início da pandemia, em 2021, com a criação do Programa de Mobilidade Virtual em duas modalidades: 1. Mobilidade Acadêmica (oferta de disciplina em língua estrangeira) e 2. Collaborative Online International Learning - COIL (oferta de disciplina com parceiros estrangeiros). Em 2023, através da alianças internacionais entre a Cátedra Paulo Freire da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - UFRPE e a Cátedra Aberta Latino-Americana e Caribenha EPJA da Universidade Nacional de Educação - UNAE no Equador, promovemos a disciplina COIL Pedagogia de Paulo Freire. Diante disso, o objetivo geral deste estudo é relatar a experiência em COIL realizada entre a UFRPE e a UNAE associado à cooperação internacional e com os objetivos específicos: 1. Analisar a concepção dos estudantes em relação ao conteúdo programático; 2. Identificar os pontos positivos e negativos da experiência; 3. Analisar a relevância da experiência COIL nas cooperações internacionais. Realizamos uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo e exploratório com os participantes da disciplina Pedagogia de Paulo Freire. Os dados foram coletados através de um formulário no google, aplicado após o término das aulas aos estudantes e foram analisados qualitativamente. A disciplina foi ministrada pelas Professoras Monica Folena da UFRPE e Emna Campozino da UNAE, no período de junho a setembro de 2023, com carga horária de 60h/a, nos idiomas português e espanhol. Participaram 18 estudantes da UFRPE e 36 participantes da UNAE. A disciplina teve com o objetivo estudar a trajetória de Paulo Freire, através das suas obras "As Cartas de Cristina" e "Pedagogia do Oprimido". Com base nos resultados da pesquisa realizada, 95% dos participantes informaram que gostaram muito da disciplina, adquiriram muito conhecimento com o excelente conteúdo programático e que recomendariam a outros participarem da experiência.  Os estudantes destacaram os seguintes pontos positivos: 1. Excelente didática realizada pelas docentes; 2. Ótima integração dos participantes; 3. Fortalecimento linguístico; 4. Material didático fornecido nas duas línguas e os aspectos negativos: 1. Dificuldade na compreensão da língua; 2. Não gravação das aulas realizadas síncronas. Percebemos que a disciplina Pedagogia de Paulo Freire realizada na modalidade COIL com parceiros internacionais tivemos o aumento da presença de estudantes estrangeiros na UFRPE, sendo favorável para os indicadores de rankings internacionais. E essa modalidade exalta a importância de potencializar as redes de cooperação internacional para que tenha mais êxito entre as parcerias, saindo do papel para as ações concretas. O cenário global leva à conclusão de que o futuro da mobilidade estudantil combina experiências internacionais físicas com oportunidades virtuais, impulsionadas digitalmente, que atingem um número maior de alunos e criam maior consciência e habilidades interculturais. Além disso, concilia o acesso democrático e inclusivo de todos, com o objetivo de gerar uma formação aos estudantes completa e global.
Evolución de la Metodología COIL en Duoc UC: Integración y Adaptación Institucional.
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 09:40 AM - 10:00 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 12:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 13:00:00 UTC
La estrategia de internacionalización en Duoc UC ha marcado un antes y un después en la formación de sus estudiantes, promoviendo un desarrollo de competencias y capacidades que abarca la consciencia global, intercultural e internacional. Este avance se ha visto potenciado a través de la implementación de la metodología COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning), democratizando el acceso a experiencias internacionales educativas y fomentando la creación de puentes interculturales mediante el uso de tecnologías avanzadas. Este proceso ha permitido no solo acercar el mundo a la comunidad educativa sino también fortalecer la competencia global y la consciencia intercultural a través de un trabajo colaborativo significativo. La consolidación y expansión de esta estrategia han transformado la internacionalización en una función esencial dentro de Duoc UC, reforzando la calidad educativa y estableciendo sólidas relaciones con instituciones y pares internacionales. La colaboración con centros reconocidos como SUNY COIL Center, FIU COIL y el Centro Paula Souza ha sido fundamental, proporcionando capacitación específica la cual ha enriquecido la perspectiva educativa colaborativa internacional de nuestra institución. Este intercambio ha permitido adaptar la metodología COIL a las necesidades específicas de Duoc UC, reflejando nuestra misión y visión institucional en el proceso y forjando vínculos estrechos y perdurables el tiempo. El objetivo de esta presentación es analizar cómo la misión y visión de las instituciones de educación superior deben articularse cuidadosamente con el conocimiento y la cultura propuestos por los facilitadores experimentados para lograr una integración efectiva de la metodología. Mediante ejemplos prácticos, mostraremos nuestro camino de aprendizaje, destacando el cómo se puede lograr este proceso de integración y enfatizando en la importancia de una adaptación institucional cuidadosa que responda a nuestras necesidades y objetivos educativos. El éxito de la metodología COIL en Duoc UC y su estrategia de escalamiento se han evaluado cualitativamente, identificando fortalezas y áreas de mejora a través de entrevistas con participantes claves y grupos focales. Esta evaluación ha subrayado la motivación y el valor educativo que la metodología aporta tanto a nivel personal como académico, resaltando la importancia de una formación que permite a los estudiantes proyectar sus aspiraciones a nivel nacional e internacional. Asimismo, se han propuesto mejoras continuas, como la implementación de asignaturas electivas transversales y el desarrollo de manuales de apoyo, para facilitar el acceso y la participación estudiantil, asegurando que la metodología se integre plenamente en el quehacer institucional de Duoc UC.

Alejandro Molina Torres
COIL Coordinator, Instituto Profesional Duoc UC
Improving COIL Coordinators' Decision-Making Process through Data-Informed Strategies
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 13:00:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 13:20:00 UTC
The integration of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) into the fabric of higher education has undergone a transformative shift towards a more sophisticated and professional approach. As academic institutions increasingly recognize the value of COIL in enhancing their internationalization strategies, the projects have scaled both in scope and impact. Central to the success of these strategies is the role of the COIL coordinator, a position that has become pivotal within the infrastructure of international education programs. Despite its importance, the path to becoming a COIL coordinator is often based on practical experience rather than systematic training. This highlights a vital element of the coordinator's responsibilities that warrants in-depth exploration: the necessity for user-friendly tools that streamline the decision-making process in COIL initiatives. Coordinators are often faced with the complex task of determining the optimal points for engagement, which directly affects the success and outcomes of programs. In response to this, we propose a session that builds upon a previously created framework featuring 10 essential steps that support COIL coordinators. This session will specifically refine and refresh our eighth step, which relates to the use of data. We aim to delve into the pioneering efforts of employing Big Data tools to analyze and extrapolate meaningful insights from surveys administered to both educators and students. This presentation will share preliminary ventures into this area to spark a dialogue on how data analytics can improve decision making for COIL coordinators, thereby improving intervention strategies for more successful COIL projects. The session is designed to offer a blend of exploratory discussions, stimulated by the insights of the COIL team from Centro Paula Souza's Higher Education Unit (Cesu) and complemented by the empirical analyses conducted by students of Big Data for Business at Faculdade de Tecnologia do Ipiranga. We believe this contribution will be of significant interest to the conference attendees and is in line with the themes of internationalization at home and the advancement of COIL professionals.
Presenters Osvaldo Succi Junior
COIL VE Coordinator , Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
Patrícia Patrício
Professor, Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
Carlos Menezes
Professor, Fatec Ipiranga
Using Artificial Intelligence as an Assistive Tool for COIL VE Coordinators in Project Design
Oral PresentationCOIL & Virtual Exchange 10:20 AM - 10:40 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 13:20:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 13:40:00 UTC
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in educational settings has shown promise in enhancing collaborative efforts and instructional design. This proposal explores the use of an AI support system to streamline the project design process for Collaborative Online International Learning Virtual Exchange (COIL VE) coordinators. The objective of this project is to expedite the COIL VE project design process with the assistance of AI. COIL VE provides a strong foundation for global learning, allowing students and educators to interact through technology-mediated platforms. However, some project designs can be complex and may exceed the knowledge of coordinators. In such cases, AI can be a valuable asset. The presentation will demonstrate how AI assisted a COIL coordinator in supporting professors during the project design phase. This phase involved several tasks, such as developing learning objectives, evaluating each professor's disciplinary teaching context, incorporating intercultural activities, and creating tasks that increase student awareness of issues such as air pollution. The AI model provided insights for general and specialized inquiries, aiding in refining project goals and ensuring engagement and educational robustness. AI also assisted non-native English speakers in writing parts of the COIL plan guidelines. Attendees will learn about the outcomes of this experience and explore potential AI applications for other stages of the COIL VE project. AI could serve as a supportive resource, enhancing the COIL VE coordinators' ability to assist professors, potentially leading to more scalable COIL programs. This integration could reduce the time spent on research and the frequency of meetings while maintaining the quality of the project. This exploratory discussion suggests that researchers may benefit from developing AI tools that support educational planning, combining human expertise with machine efficiency.
Presenters Osvaldo Succi Junior
COIL VE Coordinator , Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
Promoting Sustainable Development through Media and Network Collaboration: A Case Study of an International Cooperation Agreement
Oral PresentationInternational Outreach & Social Projects 10:40 AM - 11:00 AM (America/Sao_Paulo) 2024/04/22 13:40:00 UTC - 2024/04/22 14:00:00 UTC
This paper presents the academic, scientific, and technical outcomes of a five-year international cooperation agreement (2017-2022) between Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil, and Brandeis University, USA. The central objective was to exchange knowledge and promote sustainable development through action research on digital media use.

Central to the agreement was "Learning Across Borders" (LAB), an interuniversity modular course fostering dialogue on global development challenges among 81 postgraduate students from over 20 countries. LAB extended its impact beyond students by engaging participants' communities through professional network interactions.

The initiative yielded 14 digital media applications, designed using a problem- and project-based pedagogical approach, to address local development challenges. Notably, interactions occurred in an open international virtual learning environment, where digital technology facilitated both learning and the subject of study. This convergence fostered knowledge exchange between students and professors across continents, enabling the sharing of ideas and experiences on tackling global challenges in a digitally networked world.

LAB employed virtual courses, teacher exchanges, and project mentoring to equip communities with solutions for defending social rights, publishing impactful stories, and disseminating reports. The project developed a free toolkit encompassing apps, blogs, websites, maps, infographics, podcasts, and video channels for NGOs, international organizations, schools, health centers, and other non-profit stakeholders.

Combining teaching-learning activities and action research, LAB also indirectly contributed to improved methodologies for international project-based learning (PBL). The project innovated in engaging students and teachers in meaningful knowledge exchange, aiming not only to advance knowledge but also to make a tangible, albeit small, positive impact on the world.
Presenters Francisco Belda
Professor, Unesp
VE/ COIL Coordinator
Universidade De Ribeirão Preto
Coordenadora de Cooperação Internacional - NINTER
COIL Coordinator
Instituto Profesional Duoc UC
COIL VE Coordinator
Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
Dr. Osvaldo  Succi Junior
COIL VE Coordinator
Centro Paula Souza/Cesu
Mrs. Dulcelina Correa Schetz Alves
Analyst Education
Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Paraná - PUCPR
Prof. Thiago Da Camara Figueredo
Academic Director
Instituto Federal De Educação, Ciência E Tecnologia De Pernambuco
Prof. Andrea Isabel Alsina Alvarenga
Internationalization at Home Coordinator
Catholic University Of Salta, Argentina
Mr. Ricardo Bruno Cruz Costa
Técnico de Tecnologia da Informação
Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais
Dr. Camila Monteiro Santos
Coordenadora de Internacionalização
Universidade Do Vale Do Itajaí
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